Monday, April 2, 2007

Now meet the Sanchez family by Pearlie Mae

It's time to meet the handsome mister Enrique Sanchez- oh yeah and his wife and kids. LOL.. But first, I need to get something off of my chest. I am so ticked off right now I could spit. Notice that in this picture of me above you can't see what I am thinkin"?? that's because there are children reading this. GOOD GRAVY!!! This morning, right before I had my first cup of coffee, I had the PLEASURE of having snooty little Mrs McAdams call me. "Now Mrs Stevens why couldn't you wait until all of the simizens had their information complete. I am very upset." Now by now you all know me. I took a deep breath and THEN let her have it. "First of all Missy, you have had many sim days to do this. If you would spend more time working on this and LESS time gossiping about everybody in the hood you would have had this done. I am not about to wait another sim day for you or any other family. Instead of wasting MY TIME calling me on this phone you should have been doing your assignment. And another thing Missy....stop acting like you are so high and mighty. Your husband already turned in your background information so I know about you alright. You ain't a saint. None of us are, but you keep walking around here like your breath dont stink in the morning. Now go get your stuff done and drop it off!! Better yet...have one of your sons bring it over!! And then I hung up on her stuck up self. There is nothin' worse than having your morning messed up by an uppity chick. Back in the day I would have still been telling her off. But I am an elder now with grans (and I am trying to get a hula dance when my time is up) so I am behaving myself. some of you are lookin' at me and sayin' Oh Miss Pearlie Mae, I thought you said that you try to LOVE everybody. Okay you just answered your own question. I TRY to LOVE everybody. This is one woman I am still at the point of trying to LIKE her first. Okay...deep breaths Pearlie...dont let the big bad phony too cute to poot woman get your hanes in knot. Let's move on now to a much more enjoyable subject ....the Sanchez family. Meet the beautiful Enrique Sanchez.

>Perfection isnt he?? NO?? Well you aint writin' this so I say he is FINE!!! And yes you can call a man beautiful. I know what some of you haters are thinking already. "Oh Miss Pearlie Mae you are lusting after another woman's man." Let me tell you something right now that my Mama told me when I was a teenager. It's okay to read the menu as long as you don't place an order. And believe you me I am enjoying reading this particular menu daily. LOL. But so you won't keep trippin' here is his lovely wife Guadalupe

Seriously though isnt this the prettiest couple?? And they are the most down to earth, friendliest, honest sims you will ever meet. Rique and Lupe met when they were in elementary school. They both say they had bad childhoods. Can you believe that?? I just sat with my mouth wide open as they poured out their sad stories. Fate had it that when they were in high school they were placed in the same foster home. Once they were adults they got hitched and moved here to Trinity. I truly hope that you have the pleasure of meeting these two sims in person some day. You enter their home and its like you live there. They both make you feel right at home. Did I show you their house? I didn't?? My bad, you know I am seasoned..LOL. Here is the front of their house

and this is the back.

Now this house was also built by izazu the sim...NOT HUMANOID. Rique says that the house is called the King of Queens. He looked it up online and he says it is based on a HUMANOID situation comedy. I can't believe he is believing that garbage. I guess this proves that just because you are pretty doesnt mean you have BRAINS. LOL. But Rique knows I will forgive him

Now I guess if you are a typical sim you are wondering if Guadalupe likes me or not since I am always admiring her man. Of course she does. Puh-lease.
These 2 sims are truly soul mates and have been through too much to let a little ol' SEASONED(not old) sim like myself steal their thunder. In fact Guadalupe thinks its cute how I heart on him all the time. "Oh Mama Pearl you crack me up." she says. "Rique is not all that".I beg to differ girlfriend I tell her. Look at your man girl!!! He is FINE. He is ALL THAT and a bag of chips and a slice of cheesecake on the side. Oh is that too much??? My grandchildren are telling me that nobody says a slice of cheesecake. Who is writing this anyway them or me?? LOL

span style="color:#663366;">What?? Whose room is he in?? Oh that is the babies room. Something must be in the water in this town. You will discover that alot of these sims have more than one baby at a time. What is up with that?? I think I would take a double dose of Simphasil or somethin'. Lupe says that when you are pregnant nowadays you get a choice of how many babies you want. You use something called a hack?? What is this hack you ask?? I am glad you asked cause I didnt have a clue either. Lupe said that ...let me take a deep breath ...
humanoids developed it. Jeez, these youngun's are really tryin' my patience. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A HUMANOID. GOOD GRAVY!!! And IF this hack thing was developed by a humanoid why would you deal with the birth of your babies using something THEY CREATED. JEEZ. I keep tellin' you...just because you are pretty does not mean you are smart. If one day you come onto this page and you see someone else finishing these introductions you will know that someone said the word HUMANOID again and my head finally exploded. But then again these youngun's would probably claim that the HUMANOIDS caused it. So to prove them wrong I better keep my head on my shoulders and finish these intros before my time is up. But anywho, let's look at these precious babies of Lupe and Rique. They have twin daughters named Mariella and Marisol. Aren't they precious?? I am wondering who they will look like. Guadalupe says that they are going to be trying to boys really soon. Good gravy, girlfriend, at least wait until these girls are potty trained. LOL. But I guess if I was married to Rique I wouldn't mind having 10 babies.

Rique and Guadalupe were so excited to have pictures of the baby girls' room on here. Rique said they were his little princesses so they needed a room that was perfect.

I must give it to them though. It is a cute room. Rique says that they already have the big girl beds on order for them that looks like the desk. I can't wait to see it. Hopefully I am still on top of the earth by then. They both told me that they just want to make sure that their girls don't want for anything. Now you know I had to say something there. Okay, I know you both had a horrific childhood. But please dont spoil these girls rotten. Nobody likes a spoiled pretty child. Love em but make them behave. I told them I would come back from the dead if I see them letting these children run their house just because they are afraid to discipline. If you give your children boundaries they will love AND respect you. I think these two poor children( I am talking about Lupe and Rique now) are so afraid that they will be like their parents. I told them both that you are not them. The past is the past and it does not have to influence your future. Just keep on being good sims and your children will be fine. I hope you enjoyed meeting the beautiful Sanchez family. I know personally I could look at Enrique all night long. Take care and please call some of these other sims in Trinity and tell them to HURRY UP!! I am not getting any younger. Oh and yes MY FAMILY's is turned in and I WAS trying to be polite and do my own family last....but I think I am just going to do it soon. I do have some other families to do next though. A few nice newlywed couples and another couple who just guessed it ...twins. I am telling you sims...DO NOT move to Trinity unless you want alot of babies. Or bring your own water. LOL. I will close out the Sanchez family with a picture of the nightly ritual at their home"

Guadalupe says that after they put the girls down for the evening Enrique always seranades her. Now that is what I call a real man. Some other sim males could learn a thing or two from Enrique. Keep the romance in your marriage...Help your wife decorate around the home.....and look GOOD doing it. LOL. Peace and love, Pearlie Mae Stevens.


Jen said...

Pearlie Mae is awesome! She cracks me up. I love how she doesn't believe in the HUMANOIDS. Heehee. Lovely blog so far, very creative. And the Trinity families are intriguing so far. Looking forward to more!

Wens said...

thanks so much